In CSS, there are so many interesting tricks for specific problems. So, to break down these problems, we have to understand deeply about concepts. When I practice coding about html, css that is relevant to navigation, I cope with a problem about centering texts between it. It use height and...
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DAO pattern in Java
We have known that the Spring framework 4.0.3 has a seven-layered architecture that includes a core container, context, Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP), Data Access Object (DAO), Object-relational mapping (ORM), Web, and Model-View-Controller (MVC). So, to master about Spring framework, we should study each layer architecture.
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Learn JQuery - Selectors
JQuery is a library that is designed from Javascript. It helps developers to construct many functionalities that use Javascript easily. Almost websites, 99% percentage, is utilizing JQuery.
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The mechanism of Spring security
Using Spring security is very useful for our website development. It reduces risks from attacker, protect our data with cryptography.
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Implementation with layout in thymeleaf
Thymeleaf is an engine that used to interactive with HTML in View. It supported the functionalities that is relevant with splitting web page into common page components like the header, footer, menu, … These page components can be used by the same or different layouts. This action improves the reusability...
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