Table of contents

Some useful commands for Bucket on S3

  1. To create a new bucket.

     aws s3 --profile manhpd mb s3://<name-bucket>

    In this case, we will use mb command to make a new bucket. mb stands for make bucket.

    For example:

     aws s3 --profile manhpd mb s3://test-bucket
  2. To remove a bucket.

     aws s3 --profile manhpd rb s3://<name-bucket> --force
  3. To list all buckets in S3.

     aws s3 --profile manhpd ls

    Then, we have:

Some useful commands for Files on S3

  1. To copy a file in the local to a bucket in S3.

     aws s3 --profile manhpd cp local-file s3://<name-bucket>

    For example:

     # create a new text file
     echo "This is file 2" >> sample2.txt
     # Copy this file to S3 bucket
     aws s3 --profile manhpd cp sample2.txt s3://test-bucket

    For example:

    At the same time, checking on S3 bucket - s3manhpd, we have:

  2. To move a local file to a bucket in S3.

     aws s3 --profile manhpd mv local-file s3://<name-bucket>
  3. To move file from S3 to the local

     aws s3 --profile manhpd mv s3://name-bucket/name-file ./
  4. To move a file in S3 bucket.

     aws s3 --profile manhpd mv s3://name-bucket/name-file
  5. To remove a file in S3 bucket.

     aws s3 --profile manhpd rm s3://name-bucket/name-file
  6. To rename a file in S3.

     aws s3 --profile manhpd cp file-path s3://name-bucket/different-name-file
  7. List all files in a bucket.

     aws s3 --profile manhpd ls s3://name-bucket --recursive --human-readable --summarize
  8. List all files in a folder of a bucket.

     aws s3 --profile manhpd ls s3://name-bucket/name-folder --recursive --human-readable --summarize

    For example:

  9. List only the filenames of a S3 bucket.

     aws s3api --profile manhpd list-objects --bucket <name-bucket> --output text --query "Contents[].{Key: Key}"

Wrapping up