Redis is important component when we want to design scalable system. It is used as cache for our system. So, in this article, we will learn how to use some commands in Redis.

Let’s get started.

Table of contents

How to install redis-cli

  1. Install redis-cli on Windows

    To install it on Windows, we can visit some webpages to download a redis executable file.

  2. Install redis-cli on Ubuntu

    Belows are some steps to install redis-cli in Ubuntu.

    1. Update the apt package

       sudo apt update
    2. Install redis-tools

       sudo apt install -y redis-tools 

Connect with local/remote redis server

By default, Redis runs without username and password, the default port is: 6379.

# Go to the folder of Redis
# 1st - Run Redis client in local host

# 2nd - Connect to the remote server
redis-cli -h <ip_addr> -p <port_number> -a <password>

Get/set commands

  1. Create / Update data

     set key value
     # set if not exist value in key
     setnx key value

    For example:

     set phone_type Iphone
  2. Get data

     get key

    For example:

     get phone_type
  3. Modify key’s name

     renamenx <key_name> <new_key_name>

    For example:

     renamenx phone_type phonetype

Check commands

  1. Check whether key is existed or not

     exists key

    For example:

     exists phone_type

Query commands

  1. Find all keys with patterns

     keys pattern

    For example:

     keys *type

    Especially, if we want to list all keys in Redis.

     keys *


    • Time complexity: O(N) with N being the number of keys in the database, under the assumption that the key names in the database and the given pattern have limited length.
    • All redis commands are single thread and will block the server. The only difference is that keys has the potential of blocking server for longer when querying a large data set.

      So, with version 2.8 or later, use scan is a superior alternative to keys because it does not block the server nor does it consume significant resources.

        redis-cli --scan --pattern '*'
  2. Get random key from Redis

  3. Get the data type of the value stored in the key

     type key

    For example:

     type phone_type
  4. Get the value of a key depends on its type

     # string data type
     get <key>
     # hash data type
     hgetall <key>
     # list data type
     lrange <key> 0 -1
     # set data type
     smembers <key>
     # zset data type
     zrange <key> 0 -1 withscores

Modification commands

  1. Increment value in key

     incr key

    For example:

     set num 2
     incr num
  2. Increment the integer value of a key by the given amount

     incrby key increment

    For example:

     incrby num 5
  3. Increment the float value of a key by the given amount

     INCRBYFLOAT key increment
  4. Decrement the integer value of key by one

     decr key

    For example:

     decr num
  5. Decrement the integer value of a key by the given number

     decrby key decrement

    For example:

     decrby num 4
  6. Delete key

     DEL key
  7. Set expiration time for key

     expire key <expiration_time_ms>
  8. Returns the number of seconds until a key is deleted

     ttl key
  9. Clear expired time of key

     persist key

Wrapping up

  • Understanding about the commands of Redis.
