In this article, we will list all interesting, common commands that we use in Windows. It makes us do operations on Windows fastly.

Let’s get started.

Table of contents

Search commands

  1. Search folder

     dir <folder_name> /AD /s


    • /A: display files with specified attributes.
      • D: may the attribute be Directories.
      • H: Hidden files
      • A: Files ready for archiving
      • S: System files
      • I: Not content indexed files
      • L: Reparse Points
    • /s: display files in specified directory and sub directories.
  2. Search file

     dir /S /P <file_name>


    • /S: searches recursively
    • /b: removes the additional directory metadata from the search results, so you get a nice clean list of files
    • /P: pauses after each screenful of information
    • /O: sort or order the way it displays the output.

      • N: name
      • S: size
      • E: extension
      • D: date/time
      • G: group directories first

    For example:

     # save result in text file
     dir /S <filename> > c:\results.txt

List commands

  1. List all logical driver in OS

     wmic logicaldisk get name
  2. List all files, directories

  3. List information about CPU

     # 1st way
     wmic cpu get caption, deviceid, name, numberofcores, maxclockspeed, status
     # 2nd way
  4. List information of RAM

     # Total RAM 
     # banklabel - which slots the RAM chips are installed in
     # capacity - how much large each module is expressed in bytes
     # devicelocator - another entity to tell which slots the RAM chips are installed in.
     # memorytype - the type of our phical memory. Ex: 21 means DDR2, 24 means DDR3
     # typedetail - Ex. 128 means synchronous
     wmic memorychip get banklablel, devicelocator, memorytype, typedetail, capacity, speed
     # get complete details about the memory modules
     wmic memorychip list full
     # use systeminfo command
     systeminfo | findstr /C:"Total Physical Memory"
     systeminfo | findstr /C:"Available Physical Memory"

Network Commands

  1. List all computers in the same network

     net view
     arp -a
  2. Get all detailed information about our current network adapter connection


    The result will have summary information:

    • Current IP Address
    • Subnet Mask
    • Default Gateway IP
    • Current domain
  3. Get list of all active TCP connection

     netstat -a -b

    This command is used to check whether malware is running on our computer.


    • -a: display all connections and listening ports
    • -b: display all the executable involved in creating each connection or listening port.
    • -n: display addresses and port numbers in numerical form.
    • -o: display the owning process ID associated with each connection.

    For example:

     netstat -aon | find /i "listening"
     netstat -aon | find "8080"
     netstat -aon | findstr 8080
  4. Check whether our computer can access another computer

  5. Get the path of packet from our computer to others


    It will have:

    • Number of hops (intermediate servers) before getting to the destination
    • Time it takes to get to each hop
    • The IP and sometimes the name of each hop

Process commands

  1. List all process


     tasklist [/S system [/U username [/P [password]]]] [/M [module] | /SVC | /V] [/FI filter] [/FO format] [/NH]
    Field Description
    /S <system> Specifies the remote system to connect to
    /U <username> Specifies the user context under which the command should execute.
    /P <password> Specifies the password for the given user context. Prompts for input if omitted.
    /M <module> Lists all tasks currently using the given exe/dll name. If the module name is not specified all loaded modules are displayed.
    /SVC Displays services hosted in each process.
    /V Displays verbose task information.
    /FI filter Displays a set of tasks that match given criteria specified by the filter.
    /FO format Specifies the output format. Valid values: “TABLE,” “LIST,” and “CSV.”
    /NH Specifies that the “Column Header” should not show in the output. Valid only for “TABLE” and “CSV” formats.
     # display on command line
     # save to file
     tasklist > output.txt
  2. Filter processes for specific intention

    Field Valid operators Valid values    
    IMAGENAME eq, ne Image name    
    PID eq, ne, gt, lt, ge, le PID value    
    SESSION eq, ne, gt, lt, ge, le Session number    
    SESSIONNAME eq, ne Session name    
    CPUTIME eq, ne, gt, lt, ge, le CPU time in the format of hh:mm:ss, and hh - hours, mm - minutes, ss - seconds    
    MEMUSAGE eq, ne, gt, lt, ge, le Memory usage in KB    
    USERNAME eq, ne Username in [domain]user format    
    SERVICES eq, ne Service name    
    WINDOWTITLE eq, ne Window title    
    MODULES eq, ne DLL name    
     tasklist /fi "<conditions>"
  3. Remove processes

    Field Description
    /PID <processID> Specifies the PID of the process to be terminated. Use tasklist to get the PID.
    /IM ImageName Specifies the image name of the process to be terminated. Wildcard ‘*’ can be used to specify all tasks or image names.
    /T Terminates the specified process and any child processes which were started by it.
    /F Specifies to forcefully terminate the process(es).
     taskkill [/S system [/U username [/P [password]]]]          { [/FI filter] [/PID processid | /IM imagename] } [/T] [/F]

    For example:

     taskkill /pid 2500
     taskkill /f /im chrome.exe

Computer commands

  1. Shutdown computer


    The shutdown command is used to shutdown, logoff or reboot the specified machines both locally and remotely.


    • -a: abort the machine from shutting down.
    • -s: shutdown the machine.
    • -r: reboot the machine.
    • -l: log off the currently logged user.
    • -t: specify the time to wait in seconds.
    • -c: display comments in the output window.
    • -I: open up the “remote shutdown dialog” box, where we can add either the hostnames or the IP addresses of the machines.
    • -f: forcefully terminate all the application that are currently running on the specified computer, and then will perform the specified operation such as Log off, Reboot, Shutdown.

    For example:

     # shutdown OS in 60 seconds
     shutdown -s -t 60
     # sleep OS
     powercfg /h on
     shutdown /h
  2. Operations with PATH environment

    • List all paths

        # display on command line
        ## save to a file
        set > output.txt
    • Get an specific application’s path

        set env_name_variable

      For example:

        set JAVA_HOME
    • Add application’s path to PATH environment

       set PATH=%PATH%;<our-path-name>

Check commands

  1. Check whether windows is activated or not

     slmgr /xpr

    If the content of dialog is The machine is permanently activated, so windows is activated.

  2. Check the certain file extension will be opened by which programs

  3. Compare two text files

     fc /a /b file1.txt file2.txt


    • /a: used to compare in ASCII mode
    • /b: used to compare in Binary mode
  4. Check about configuration of power

     powercfg -energy
  5. Check the integrity of the core system files in OS

     sfc /scannow

    It is used to check when we find that our OS has virus.

    The SFC command also lets you:

    • /VERIFYONLY: Check the integrity but don’t repair the files.
    • /SCANFILE: Scan the integrity of specific files and fix if corrupted.
    • /VERIFYFILE: Verify the integrity of specific files but don’t repair them.
    • /OFFBOOTDIR: Use this to do repairs on an offline boot directory.
    • /OFFWINDIR: Use this to do repairs on an offline Windows directory.
    • /OFFLOGFILE: Specify a path to save a log file with scan results.
  6. Scan entire driver

     chkdsk C: /f /r /x

    This command checks for things like:

    • File fragmentation
    • Disk errors
    • Bad sectors
  7. Run scheduled task

     SCHTASKS /Create /SC HOURLY /MO 12 /TR Example /TN c:\temp\File1.bat

    The scheduled switch /SC accepts arguments like minute, hourly, daily, and monthly. Then you specify the frequency with the /MO command.

  8. Change attributes files/folders

     ATTRIB +R +H C:\temp\File1.bat
  9. Search something inside any of ASCII files


Looping statement

  1. For /D - For Directories

     for /d %%parameter in (folder_set) do command

    It is used to loop through serveral directories. If set contains wildcards, then specifies to match against directory names instead of file names.

    For example:

     # List all directories in C:\
     for /d %x in (C:\*) do echo "%x"
     for /d %v in (*.*) do dir /x "%v"
  2. For /R - For files rooted at Path

     for /r [[driver:]path] %%parameter in (set) do command

    It is used to recursive directories and sub-directories. It walks the directory tree rooted at [driver:]path, executing the FOR statement in each directory of the tree.

    If no directory specification is specified after /R, then the current directory is assumed. If set is just a single period (.) character, then it will just enumerate the directory tree.

    For example:

     # list all pdf file in C:\Program Files into listpdf.txt
     for /r "C:\Program Files" %x in (*.pdf) do (echo %x >> C:\listpdf.txt)
     for /r C:\Windows\Prefetch %v in (*.pf) do del %v
  3. For /L - For list of numbers

     for /l %%parameter in (start, step, end) do command

    It is used to loop through a range of specified numbers.

    For example:

     for /l %v in (1, 1, 20) do telnet %l  %v
     for /l %g in (20, -2, 0) do echo %g
  4. For /F - For file’s content

     for /f ["options"] %%parameter in (filename_set) do command
     for /f ["options"] %%parameter in ("text string to process") do command
     for /f ["options"] %%parameter in ("command to process") do command

    It is used to loop through a wide variety of files, commands and strings. So, it is used to analyze the output of a command or commands and to take further action based on what the initial output was.

    When we execute all above commands in batch file, we should use %% perceding the variable name.

    For example:

     for /d %%v in (*.*) do dir /s "%%v"

    With some values of options:

    • eol=c: specifies an end of line comment character (just one).
    • skip=n: specifies the number of lines to skip at the beginning of the file.
    • delims=xxx: specifies a delimeter set. This replaces the default delimeter set of space and tab.
    • tokens=x,y,m-n: specifies which tokens from each line are to be passed to the for body for each iteration. This will cause additional variable names to be allocated.

      • The m-n form is a range, specifying the mth through the nth tokens. If the last character in the tokens= string is an asterisk, then an additional variable is allocated and receives the remaining text on the line after the last token parsed.
    • usebackq: specifies that the new semantics are in force, where a back quoted string is executed as a command and a single quoted string is a literal string command and allows the use of double quote file names in filename_set.

    For example:

     # list all directories and files available inside the C:\Program Files directory
     for /f "tokens=*" %v in ('dir /b "c:\program files"') do echo %v
     # display all the processes running in the background
     for /f "delims==" %v in ('tasklist') do @echo %v

Conditional statements

  1. Use if statement

     # Check exist of folder
     @echo off
     if exist C:\Windows (
         echo Found
     ) else (
         echo Not found

    With tasklist command, it returns the error level as ‘0’ for successful execution, returns ‘1’ for failure.

     @echo off
     if errorlevel 1 (
         echo success
     ) else (
         echo failure


Operators Meaning

Wrapping up

  • We should always use all above useful commands to improve our performance.
