In C++, this keyword usually refer to the object ifself. It always uses in the method of class. And there are no any tricks with this keyword. But in Javascript, this keyword is affected by many things such as context of object, the usage of functions, …

So, in this article, we will discuss about this keyword to make our concern more clear about this keyword.

Table of contents

Introduction to this keyword

According to the, we have:

  • The JavaScript this keyword refers to the object it belongs to.
  • It has different values depending on where it is used:
    • In a method, this refers to the owner object.
    • Alone, this refers to the global object.
    • In a function, this refers to the global object.
    • In a function, in strict mode, this is undefined.
    • In an event, this refers to the element that received the event.
    • Methods like call(), and apply() can refer this to any object.

Simple rules for this keyword

So, with the previous section, we will have a rule:

this keyword will refer to the object or context that is the nearest to it.

Examples for this keyword

  • Regular function

      function foo() {
          console.log("Simple function call");
          console.log(this === window);

    Because, foo() is a regular function, so the this will refer to the global object - window.


      Simple function call

    But if we use strict mode, we have:

      function foo() {
          'use strict';
          console.log("Simple function call");
          console.log(this === window);

    So, we have a result will look something like;

      Simple function call

    Now, this will refer to undefined, not window object.

  • Constructor function

      function Person(first_name, last_name) {
          this.first_name = first_name;
          this.last_name = last_name;
          this.displayName = function() {
              console.log(`Name: ${this.first_name} ${this.last_name}`);
      let john = new Person('John', 'Reid');

    When we call new on Person constructor function, Javascript will create a new object inside the Person constructor function and save it as this. Then, the first_name, last_name and displayName properties will be added on the newly created this object.

  • Simple object

      function simpleFunction () {
          console.log("Simple function call")
          console.log(this === window); 
      let user = {
          count: 10;
          simpleFunction: simpleFunction, 
          anotherFunction: function() {
              console.log(this === window);

    When we call user.simpleFunction() or user.anotherFunction(), we have a result:

      Simple function call

    Because this now refer to the user object.

    But if we do something like:

      let ourFunction = user.anotherFunction();

    Then, we have:

      Simple function call

    Because ourFunction() is a regular function, so this will refer to the global object - window.

  • Embedded regular function into method class

      var john = {
          name: 'john',
          yearOfBirth: 1990,
          calculateAge: function() {
              console.log(2016 - this.yearOfBirth);
              function innerFunction() {

    When we call john.calculateAge(), the this will be implicitly passed into a register. So, calculateAge() function is called, CPU will get value form that register and assign to the this keyword such as this, this.yearOfBirth`.

    But, inside the innerFunction() function, this will not refer to the john object, mainly because it is a regular function. Therefore, this in innerFunction() will refer to global object - window.

  • Use arrow function

    Unlike regular function, arrow functions do not get their own this keyword. They simply use the this keyword of the function they are written in.

      var box = {
          color: 'green', // 1
          position: 1, // 2
          clickMe: function() { // 3
              document.querySelector('body').addEventListener('click', function() {
                  var str = 'This is box number ' + this.position + ' and it is ' + this.color; // 4

    When we call box.clickMe() method, a result we have:

      This is box number undefined and it is undefined

    Because inside the clickMe() function, this keyword also is passed to it. But in callback function, this keyword of box object do not pass. So, this in callback function will be undefined`.

    To solve this problem, we need to save the this keyword of box object into the other variable of clickMe() function.

      var box = {
          color: 'green', // 1
          position: 1, // 2
          clickMe: function() { // 3
              let self = this;
              document.querySelector('body').addEventListener('click', function() {
                  var str = 'This is box number ' + self.position + ' and it is ' + self.color; // 4

    So, we have:

      This is box number 1 and it is green

    Another solution is to use arrow function.

      var box = {
          color: 'green', // 1
          position: 1, // 2
          clickMe: function() { // 3          
              document.querySelector('body').addEventListener('click', () => {
                  var str = 'This is box number ' + this.position + ' and it is ' + this.color; // 4

    The amazing thing about arrow functions is that they share the lexical this keyword of their surroundings.

    Then, we have:

      This is box number 1 and it is green

    And we still have other case for arrow function such ash.

      var box = {
          color: 'green', // 1
          position: 1, // 2
          clickMe: () => { // 3          
              document.querySelector('body').addEventListener('click', () => {
                  var str = 'This is box number ' + this.position + ' and it is ' + this.color; // 4

    When we have box.clickMe(), we have:

      This is box number undefined and it is undefined

    The this keyword of the click event listener’s closure shares the value of the this keyword of its surroundings. Its surroundings in this case is the arrow function clickMe(). The this keyword of the clickMe arrow function refers to the global object, in this case the window object.

    So, this.position and this.color will be undefined because our window object does not know anything about the position or the color properties.

  • Some ways to pass this in map function

    Come back to the previous example, we have:

      function Person(firstName, lastName) {
          this.firstName = firstName;
          this.lastName = lastName;
          this.displayName = function() {
              console.log(`Name: ${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`);
      Person.prototype.myFriends = function(friends) {
          var arr = {
              return this.firstName + ' is friends with ' + friend;
      let john = new Person("John", "Watson");

    So, call john.myFriends(["Emma", "Tom"]) we have a result:

      "undefined is friends with Emma", "undefined is friends with Tom"

    Because this in callback function of map will refer to the global object - window.

    To fix this problem, we have 3 solutions:

    • Save this keyword inside the other variable in myFriends() function.

        Person.prototype.myFriends = function(friends) {
            let self = this;
            var arr = {
                return self.firstName + ' is friends with ' + friend;
    • Using bind on the map function’s closure.

        Person.prototype.myFriends = function(friends) {            
            var arr = {
                return this.firstName + ' is friends with ' + friend;

      Calling bind will return a new copy of the map callback function but with a this keyword mapped to the outer this keyword, which is, in this case, will be the this keyword referring to the object calling myFriends.

    • Using arrow function for map function’s closure

        Person.prototype.myFriends = function(friends) {            
            var arr = => {
                `${this.firstName} is friends with ${friend}`;

Wrapping up

  • In regular function, this refer to global object.
  • Arrow function will retain the this keyword of outer function.

Thanks for your reading.
