When we work on web development, we will cope with some case about hiding elements in our layout. Then, there are two most common ways to hide elements which include using display: none and visibility: hidden.

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display: none property

It will remove the element from the normal flow of the page, allowing other elements to fill in.

It has two specific traits:

  • An element will not appear on the page at all but we can still interact with it through the DOM.
  • There will be no space allocated for it between the other elements.

visibility: hidden property

It will leave the element in the normal flow of the page such that is still occupies space.

It has two specific traits:

  • An element is not visible.
  • Element’s space is allocated for it on the page.

Interesting information about visibility: hidden and display: none properties

When reading about this link, we will have a question about performance of the ways to disappear elements in browser.

visibility: hidden and display: none will be equally performant since they both re-trigger layout, paint and composite. However, opacity: 0 is functionality equivalent to visibility: hidden and does not re-trigger the layout step.

And css-transition property is also important thing that we need to take care. Because toggling from visibility: hidden to visibility: visible allow for css-transitions to be use, whereas toggling from display: none to display: block does not. visibility: hidden has the additional benefit of not capturing javascript events, whereas opacity: 0 captures events.

Some other ways to hide elements

  • Use z-index property.

      #element {
          z-index: -11111;
  • Move an element off the page.

      #element {
          position: absolute; 
          top: -9999em;
          left: -9999em;

Thanks for your reading.


